TreeSize Professional v5.1.1.418
TreeSize Professional v5.1.1.418
TreeSize Professional v5.1.1.418 英文正式版(硬碟空間管理工具軟體)
適用於Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP的硬碟空間管理工具。可以以樹狀的形式完整列出你硬碟
來顯示。 還可以對臨時文件夾進行搜索,可以生成以及列印Excel,HTML以及ASCII格式的報
TreeSize Professional is a powerful and flexible harddisk space manager for
Windows 200X / XP / Vista (32 and 64 Bit). Find out which folders are the
largest on your drives and recover megabytes on your disks. TreeSize
Professional shows you the size, allocated and wasted space, the number of
files, 3D charts, the last access date, the file owner and permissions, the
NTFS compression rate and much more information for several folders or drives
you choose. It also lets you search drives, entire servers or the entire
network for old, big, temporary and duplicate files. The search results can
be moved, deleted or exported. The application has an intuitive Explorer-like
user interface, it is fast and multithreaded and supports Unicode and
scheduled scans. You can print detailed reports or export the collected data
to Excel and to an HTML, XML or text file. TreeSize Professional can be
started from the context menu of every folder or drive.
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v5.5.3.793 英文正式版(硬碟空間回收軟體)
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v4.2.0.311 英文正式版(硬碟空間回收器軟體)
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v5.0.0.381 英文正式版(硬碟空間回收器軟體)
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v5.5.5.816 英文正式版(硬碟空間回收軟體)
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v6.0.0.906 x86 英文正式版(硬碟空間回收軟體)
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v5.1.2.433 retail 英文正式版(硬碟空間管理軟體)
JAM Software TreeSize Professional v6.0.0.906 x64 英文正式版(硬碟空間回收軟體)